With close to twenty years of experience in researching, growing and delivering amazing, leading varieties to the world, Fontana Limited has established itself as a trusted brand. You can rely on us!
Fontana Farm is a group concentrated on growing the highest quality roses. The group consists of four farms in the Nakuru and Nyanyuki County region of Kenya. We grow 80 varieties from various breeders globally, concentrating on quality and new technical expertise in the field.
At Fontana, we research and invest in growing the best nature can provide.
We have a wide range of varieties to suit the diverse global markets!
Fontana Partners with world’s leading dealers for effective global distribution.
With close to twenty years of experience in researching, growing and delivering amazing, leading varieties to the world, Fontana Limited has established itself as a trusted brand. You can rely on us!
Fontana Flowers is one of the largest producers and growers of fresh cut flowers in the world, in particular, roses. Below are our farms where we grow amazing Varieties for our global markets:
Fontana has four farms in the Nakuru and Nyanyuki County region of Kenya.
Fontana has 140 hectares under greenhouse ranging from 2300 meters to 2600 meters above sea level.
Each farm has its own unique climatic condition.
Fresh Aroma for the whole world!
Whatever the occassion and location, Fontana Flowers will inspire lasting memories and make it special!
Fresh Roses From our Farms
Based in Nakuru, Kenya, Fontana Group consists of four farms
in the Nakuru and Nyanyuki County region of Kenya